Cadavers in the local hospital
_ I'm off to Chiang Mai, Thailand today for 2 months to finish off my Thai Yoga Massage teacher training. Among other things we will be...
Sri Lanka
_ I've been lucky enough to recently visit Sri Lanka. It has an amazingly mix of cultures and religions including many fine Buddhist and...
Tibet’s Secret Temple: Body, Mind and Meditation in Tantric Buddhism
_ This is a fascinating exhibition currently on display at the Wellcome Collection in London. It's based around images and artefacts from...
A remarkable sense of calm
​​ _ Le Cool magazine has just featured us in a very complimentary review. After their treatment they left 'with a remarkable sense of...
Delicate manipulation
_ I've just completed a fab 5 day intensive course in Treating upper back, shoulder and neck pain with Ralf Marzen and Cyprian Londt at...
Why sitting is bad for you
_ Clients often come to me needing treatment for back pain. This can be for a variety of reasons but often it's caused by long hours sat...
On the move
Our Senergize website re-launches today. After 3 great years in Amsterdam we are now based in London in the heart of Kings Cross,...